Mirage – Part 2


With a deep sigh, Sarah said; “I left him, I left Jerry, I returned the engagement ring.” Out of great shock, Sophia interrupted saying, “why? When? How? I mean how could you leave that good man? You never mentioned to me once that he was not a good man and we all actually know him to be God-fearing, cool, and down to earth. Oh no! Why Sarah, Why?”  Ho ho ho, Jael coughed, aunty, “your food is ready, I think you should eat before you go into the heart of the gist, I mean you need strength for the shocks” she said giggling. Sophia thanked Jael and promised to eat later as she could not wait to hear the full gist. Sarah however insisted that she ate first, thereafter, she would continue her gist. Sophia rushed to the dining table and ate at the speed of light, while Sarah was busy laughing at the speed by which she was eating. “You better be careful, don’t harm yourself on top this gist” Sarah said. Sophia was done with the meal and was really ready to hear the gist while Sarah too was ready to speak.

“Babe, things and men are not always like they appear, if they are I would be Mrs. Jerry now, but since they are not, I am still Miss Sarah and I’m cool with it. No stress of being abused anymore, I have peace in my spirit, soul, and body!” Eh! “You mean Jerry is a woman beater?!” “Yes, he is,” Sarah responded. He abused me mentally and physically. “It all started in the third month into our relationship, when he started fulminating me without any particular reason. Well, I thought he was going through stress at work and so I was being patient and you know the Bible teaches us to forbear one another, which I was doing not knowing he just started with me. My dear, eventually it graduated to physical abuse; just a little mistake, he would beat me. Afterwards he would come begging, and to think of how perfect he appears in church and how some other ladies desired a man like Jerry, I decided to keep it to myself with endurance. That was why I didn’t tell you, I felt nobody would believe me.

Who could have thought that a man who is the desire of many, who teaches Bible study with so much depth is a woman beater? So, I continued to endure, and in the process, one day after I had been beaten by him the previous day I remembered how that I have left my secret place in the search for a man. I remembered how that the Lord is the strength of my life and He was ready to hear and help me. It dawned on me that I could speak to God, even if I couldn’t speak to anybody. That day, in tears I spoke to God as someone who had been distracted from His presence by my so-called search for “love”. I was looking for love and I left the presence of God who is Love. I thought I could find love without Love Himself, and the love I thought I found drove me out of Love. So, I repented and I was determined to build my fellowship with Love again. As I took time to fellowship in His presence, I began to perceive the essence of life.” Hmmmm, Sophia sighed, “you mean you went through this? Ah, Men! Ah! A Christian brother!” “Well, that was my thought too before the Lord revealed to me that it was more of me than it is of Jerry,” Sarah said. “How?” Sophia asked.

(….to be continued…)

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